Saturday, April 30, 2011

Layton and Massage Parlour

This was an incident that happened 15 years ago.

Who cares? It has nothing to do with Jack's abilities or discretion. It is only important to sexual bigots. To "reveal" this just before an election is just a smear - something that is even below the worst of U.S. smear tactics. It should not have even been reported by a reputable media. They should report all the news that is fit to print. This isn't news and it isn't fit to print.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Exiles from Zimbabwe slaugtered by South Africans

Re: Natioanl Pots A16 - Apr. 29, To misquote somebody - You can take someone out of a culture but you can't take the culture out of a person. This is another example of South African Black culture dominating rational thought and behavior. It is a good reason to support our Conservative government's review of our immigration policy to ensure that our immigrants do not bring with them a culture which is not compatible with our society, culture and morals.

Trump adn Obama's birth certificat

The birthers ask legitimate questions since in the U.S. birth is important legally and there is no reason (supposedly) to hide Obama's marks, religion, or source of funding. Everyone knows Bush junior's place of birth, average marks at university, drinking problems, religion, and source of funding. Why should those same factors be hidden for Obama when he has a Muslim Kenyan father, a Muslim step-father, and an unknown source of funds for his university education? This is not the same thing as calling someone a communist or a fascist. The latter are baseless attempts at killing character, not serious questions to try to understand a person's potential motives and policiies. I don't like Trump but am glad he made Obama produce a birth certificate.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Office if Religion - De Souza, National Post - Apr 28th

Setting up an office about religion at Foreign Affairs is the best idea I've seen in years. In all but the West, politics is driven not by what is best for the people or the country but by religious dogma. The best example of this is Islamism, a combination of politics and religion where the religion drives the politics. If we don't understand the religious drives of our friends and enemies, then we don't understand their politics, and the reasons for their economic and political decisions. Setting up a group to understand religious idiologies of foreign lands and of internal groups is an excellent idea. Freedom of religion is the right to practice your religion in the privacy of your home as long as it is in accord with Canadian law. It is not a right to have everyone respect your religion or its practices or to have others accede to those practices.

Hamas and Fatah unite

It is quite clear. There is no difference between Fatah and Hamas about the desire to destroy Israel. The only difference is the methodology. It is also quite clear that now support of the Palestinians means support for the destruction of Israel. Luckily the Palestinians have overplayed their hand again, giving us a view of their real intentions. As for the U.N., they have been and are currently supporting the idea of an Islamist state of Palestine without regard for its terrorism or the Palestinians' desire to destroy Israel. It is time for Canada to stop supporting the U.N. - to stop supporting the idea of an Islamist Palestinian state, to stop funding the Palestinians, because the funding is really of Islamism and terrorism, and to stop supporting an organization that would make Syria a member of its human rights commission and whose orgnization, UNRWA would not support teaching Palestinian children about the holocaust because it would confuse them. As the Liberals and NDP strongly support the U.N. I strongly suggest voting Conservative.

Monday, April 25, 2011

The Killing at Nablus

Sunday, on the way home from praying at the Tomb of Joseph in Nablus in the West Bank, 5 Israelis were shot at in their vehicle. Four were injured, one was killed. So far in Canada only CTV has reported the incident.

At a time when the West Bank Palestinians are asking for an independent state, both the action and the lack of reporting in the Canadian press are highly significant.

This was not an action by a deranged person or an individual terrorist. The killer was a
Member of the P.A. police force, a representative of the Palestinian government, someone who was undoubtedly armed either directly by the U.S. or indirectly through U.N. funding.

After the murder, Joseph’s Tomb was desecrated by Palestinians. The Palestinian
Government refused to apologize, blaming the settlers for coming to pray without
authorization, something that apparently happens quite often.

There are three important points to consider. The first is how are Canadian supposed to
understand what is really happening in the West Bank if the media reports only killings
and attacks by Israelis but not the consistent mortar attacks from Gaza, and the killings by the Palestinians. The Canadian media also does not report the anti-Israeli and anti-Semitic Arabic Palestinian press releases. The answer to the question is that Canadians can’t make a proper judgement without all the facts, and like Goldstone, they assume that Israel is targeting Palestinians instead of vice-versa. They assume that Palestinians do not kill families including children, as happened only a few weeks ago to the Fogel family and do not kill people coming from their prayers as happened yesterday. Knowledge of these atrocities would help them understand the true nature of what would be a Palestinian state – a land dedicated to the destruction of Israel and Jews, and that with Gaza would promote worldwide terrorist activity. Only without knowledge of the internal and external violence of the Palestinians could one assume that a Palestinian state would be beneficial to world peace.

The second related point is the nature of the Palestinian government and its people. Both are supposed to be moderate Muslims. But do moderate Muslims kill a family that is
sleeping peacefully in their beds? Do they kill Jews returning from prayer? Do they desecrate holy places and do they excuse their actions by saying that the injured were really at fault? The answer of course is that neither the Palestinian people nor their government are moderate in any sense of the word, except that they are more moderate than the Islamists who live in Gaza and who wish to share their Palestinian state.

The third related point is, considering the nature of the Palestinians and their government,
do we really want to help them establish a state or even fund them in their ultimate pursuit of wiping out Israel and Jews and ultimately, with Gaza, promoting worldwide terrorism . I would think that the answer is no, but strangely enough there seems to be little support for that opinion.

Friday, April 22, 2011

The Arab Spring

The Arab spring has sprung
Of democracies, I see none
The rebels' real mission
Is to bring in Islamism.

Open letter to Ignatius

1. Open letter to Mr. Ignatius.
Wise up! wise up!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

NP Editorial re Burkas - April 13 A12

George Jonas and the NP editorial has looked at only part of the problem. Niqabs or burkas can have one or two meanings. The first is that this is a dress code forced on a woman by her husband or family. It is a form of imprisonment, oppression, and mental violence forced on a woman. As such it should be illegal. The other alternative is that it is a dress code that the woman wants to wear. But as with all dress codes, it signifies certain thoughts. In this case it represents, not a religious requirement, but a particular religious ideological - that of the Taliban or Islamists. This includes the belief in female circumcision, that Islam should be the dominant religion in Canada and that Jews, Christians should be given inferior status, that Canadian Hindus and Buddhists should be forced to convert to Islam or be killed, that polygamy should be legal, that women should be stoned for adultery and many other ideas that would be illegal in Canada. By wearing the Burka, women are promoting hatred against other religions, illegal medical procedures and murder. If they participate in most of these ideas, their actions will be illegal.

Dressing in a burka is equivalent to walking around the streets nude or walking in the streets wearing a legally obtained gun with a sign saying" Let's kill Buddhists and oppress Christians". I don't believe that giving people that much freedom is helpful to our society. It is not only offensive but dangerous to the continued freedom of our society. Therefore the burka and the niqab should be banned.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Kuttab, Hamas, rockets

Mr. Kuttab's article in the Globe about the Arab street's opinion of the U.S., democracy, and the U.S.'s obligations towards the Palestinians is strange in that it seems so out of touch with reality. The U.S. under Obama is patently not pro-Israel. It has no obligation to right all the world's wrongs. Furthermore it seemshighly unlikely that the Arab street or leadership is pro democracy as Kuttab suggests. Yesterday's article in the Globe about an informal ceasefire between Israel and Hamas also seems unreal as it ignores the hundreds of rockets with which Hamas attacked Israel over the last year as if this is a "normal" situation and doesn't at all relate to Israel's military reaction to Hamas' attempt to murder Israeli schoolchildren.

Coren - Why Catholics are right

There are so many things wrong with this excerpt from the National Post (April 12th) that it is difficult to know where to start. If Coren says Catholicsm is right than other faiths must be wrong. The more modern view of myself, a Jew, Bishop Spong and Tom Harpur is that we don't know the truth and there are many paths to God. No path is in itself better - different paths suit different people. Coren, like many other rigid ideologues feels oppressed because everyone doesn't agree with him. It is true that Christianity is publically criticized more freely than Judaism (except in the Middle East) and Islam, but the criticism generally applies to both Catholism and Protestanism, not to Catholism alone. It is also usually criticism of specific ideas of Catholicism, not of the religion in toto. Undoubtedly he lost jobs, but not because he is a Catholic but because of his rigid ideas about abortion etc. It is not being a Catholic per se that is the problem but some of their ideas which are out of sinc with modern ideas of justice equality and forgiveness. Coren lists many things the church has doen wrong and then says they are all nonsense, instead of saying that the church was wrong and has or will make the correct. Lastly from his other writings it is clear that he loved and respected his Jewish father, but being Catholic must assume that he will burn in hell forever. I just cannot understand either the ruling or Coren's mindset that he would be able to believe that. We don't know the unknowable God, let alone which rituals will please him/her. When the Messiah comes to let us know "the truth" we will know which if any is the better religion until then, life will be better if there is no absolutely "right" religion and we all follow our respective paths to God and allow others to follow their paths to God.

African Union's Peace Agreement for Libya

No one is buying the African Union's peace agreement for Libya because one party, in this case Gaddafi, does not want peace. He wants victory and will have it when a peace agreement eliminates the no-fly zone. Why then do we buy the idea of peace for Israel and the Palestinians when the Palestinians do not want peace. Those in Gaza want the destruction of Israel by warfare and those in the West Bank want the destruction of Israel by political maneuvers. When one side wants peace and other doesn't there will be no peace, only a victory by one side. Why does the world regard the possibility of peace with the Palestinians more likely than the possibility of peace with Gaddafi?

Monday, April 11, 2011

National Post articles A2 Apr 11th

Both the article on the Canadian Shia Muslim organization using KKK tapes and the one on extremists recruiting Somali-Canadians indicate the need for changes in our immigration and citizenship procedures. First, anyone who believes in hate, whether of Jews, Gays, other religions or natioanalities must be excluded. Anyone who is not a born Canadian should have their citizenship revoked and be deported if they serve in or associate with a terrorist organization. There are millions of people in the Middle East, Asia, South America and Central America who would love to be Canadians and adopt Canadian culture and practices. We don't need immigrants who promote hate, misogyny, female circumcision, etc etc. We must amend our immigration policies to exclude these people and change our citizenship policies so that we can revoke citizenship and deport anyone who we have let into this country in error.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Attack on Israeli school bus

It is time to add up the significance of the actions of the inhuman group that call themselves Palestinians. Last week they murdered some of the Fogel family including a baby and a young child who were sleeping peacefully in their beds. The latest poll stated that 1/3 of the West bank Palestinians approved of the killing of these babies and children. The West Bank is considered to be “moderate”. If “moderate” Muslims approve of the killing of children what do the radicals of Gaza think? On Monday, they murdered Juliano Mer Khamis, a Palestinian actor and producer, because he was a peace activist, and yesterday they tried to murder a bus of Israeli students by firing an anti-tank missile at the school bus. What kind of people target babies and children? In addition they believe in polygamy, honour killings and killing gays? What does all this say about their culture? Surely it is not a culture that should be supported by Canada either independently or through the U.N. Surely it is not a group which is deserves our sympathy or the establishment of its own country. It takes at least two generations to change a cultue so I am not hopeful for any immediate cultural changes. Canada should not be funding the culture of a group of child murderers who have no respect for the rights or the lives of others. It is time to review our Middle-East policy.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Juliano Khamis, National Post, Apr 7, A17

According to Arutz Sheva, 1/3 of Palestinians approve of killing the Fogels and their children. Now a Palestinian peacenik, perhaps the only one left, Juliano Khamis, is killed in Jenin. Without any political correctness it is obvious that the Palestinians are a group who would rather kill than make peace and will even kill their own to avoid peace. Are they then a group that should get their own state? Are they a group that Israel can really make peace with? The answer is obviously "no" as they have proved twice this week and over and over again in the past. It takes a generation or two for a culture to change. A solution other than land for peace or giving them a territory from which to wage war, must be found. Their culture and therefore their group is not worthy of support from the West or any part of the civilized world.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Goldstone Report

Goldstone’s retraction is only important in that it indicates a change in trend from politically correct to politically factual. The fact is that we can destroy or support foreign dictators, we can arm them and fund them, we can kill their terrorists, and subvert foreign organizations, but we can’t change a people’s culture.
We can’t save them from themselves. Members of Hamas and Fatah who deify terrorists who kill Israeli civilians, Afghani peasants who kill woman who reject arranged marriages, and who kill U.N. workers because someone in the United States burned a Koran, Pakistanis who kill other non-Muslims and other Muslims because they are not sufficiently Islamic, and of course Saudis who legally kill gays and stone women for adultery will not be changed by not recognizing their barbarity, by our being nice to them, or by allowing them to immigrate to our country. We can help them physically but not mentally. We can’t stop them, either in their own countries, or as Canadian immigrants, from acting out the social requirements of their cultures.

Goldstone’s retraction is at best an acknowledgement of this fact and that his political
correctness blinded him to the truth.