Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Re; Globe Sept 28th - Simpson on Harper and Israel

Simpson's analysis is only a partial truth that agrees with his prior opinions and prejudices. First, it is very questionable whether anti-semitism has recently increased in Canada. the Canadian Parliamentary Coalition to Combat Anti-Semitism said it did, but their conclusion seems to have ignored many of the most important contributors to their process. This doesn't directly relate to the popularity of Israel but the proof of its growing unpopoularity is certainly not there. Secondly Simpson assumes that Harper does not take into account citizens' opinions because there are more Muslims than Jews and Muslims vote 88% against him compared to Jewish 52% for him. But Simpson here has completely left out the majority of Canadians who are Christian and other religious minorities such as Hindus. Are these two religious groups irrelevant to Harper or only to Simpson? It is possible therefore that Harper takes their important views into account; it is not a black and white situation for him; and it is driven by both personal conviction and political calculation. In any case, as usual, Simpson has negatively prejudged Harper and his ability to see more than one side of an issue. Harper is much too smart a politican and much too moral a person to do that

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