Wednesday, September 23, 2009

National Post - Sept 23rd

Lots to comment on today. Chief Justice Beverley McLaughlin says we should keep 9/11 in perspective in regard to terrorists and urges balance (whatever that is), but she misses the big picture that 9/11 is part of the Islamist desire and attempt to subdue the West by physical, political or social means.

Our Canadian government will walk out on Ahmedinejab's speech to the U.N.
Doesn't that call for a Jewish rally in the streets in support of that position?
Since we are in a pre-election mode it seems a great time and opportunity for the Conservatives to benefit from their moral stance and for the Jewish and evangelistic, and perhaps even the United Church, communities to show the Conservatives their appreciation and support of that stance.

Lorne Gunter points out a situation in Britain where a couple were charged with defaming Islam but the women they were arguing with was not charged with defaming Christianity. He suggests that the state should stay out of religious arguments. He is correct but at least they should not ignore the Chirstian sensibilities and only support the Muslims.

Obama keeps on talking about how he wants a Palestinian state to live side by side in peace with Israel. If he opened his eyes, he could see such a state. It is called Jordan and was part of Palestine until it had a name-change.

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