Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Dr Abuelaish

The news is supposed to be impartial. Dr. Abuelaish is suing Israel. There was no one to give Israel's view of the incident. Why didn't the interviewer ask Abuelaish why he didn't sue Hamas, that started the war, or Iran that supplied arms to Hamas. Why didn't he suggest that Abuelaish was himself partially responsible for not taking his daughters out of the war zone. He must have known the danger. In all, the interview was very one sided. Something that I unfortunately expect from CBC programming and their interviewers.

letter sent to National Post - Dec 29th

Mr. Sobolewski's letter to the editor is correct in stating that Israel was founded by the left. Now it is run by the right and the left is left out because it is not right. The right is right (correct). Similarly in Canada the left was right in its promotion of universal health care and many other issues, however Canada's left now supports Islamism and political correctness and like Israel, Canada's left are now not right (correct) and Canada's right is right. Personally I was left. However I left the left and now I am right but my political and social opinions have not changed.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Jesus was a Palestinian?

It seems strange for the PLO to be claiming Jesus as a Palestinian. It brings forth the following points. There was no such place as Paletine during Jesus's time as there is no such country now. The area was named Palestinie by the Romans to get rid of the Jews - in the same way that the Arabs are now claiming the existence of a state of Palestine to get rid of the Jews. In Jesus's time the area was run by Jews and called Judea. Israel is its successor. it is interesting to note that Jesus was born in Bethlehem and spent time in a united Jerusalem, which would indicate that the West bank was part of what was then Judea and should be part of its current successor, that is, Israel.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

A Fundamentalist

It seems to me that a" fundamentalist" can be defined as someone who believes a faith book literally or believes in an interpretation of the faith book, despite the fact that the dictum appears on its surface, and according to societal standards, as leading to a harmful result for society. It often results from failure to compromise absolutist positions where modern circumstances call for reasonable changes.

Anti-semitism's useful idiots - National Post Dec 22

Anyone who contradicts the dictums of Islam is subjet to a fatwa or sentence of death. Jews don't do that but they can excommunicate other members. It seems to me that Jenny Peto and her fellow travellers should be excommunicated. By allowing her to maintain that she is Jewish - like her grandmother - we are weakening the Jewish nation. Excommunication would indicate how far distant she is from her grandmother and the rest of the Jewish people.

This is not limiting the right to free speech but applying reasonable consequences to harmful free speech.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

The New Holocaust Memorial

The Holocaust memorial has nothing to do with Palestinian, aboriginal, women's or other "rights issues". It is a memorial for those that were systematically killed because of their race or religion. It can be either specific to Jews and others in Germany or broadened. In its specific form, the world has not forgotten the Holocaust as it applies to Jews, but it has forgotten that it also applies to Roma. In its more universal form the world has forgotten the lessons of the Holocaust in its ignoring of the more recent massacres of the Sudanese and the Rwandans.

The new Holocaust memorial should include the wider lesson from the Holocaust, that all individuals and peoples should have equal rights to security and freedom under just and equitable laws; and that we must protect ourselves from and fight against those who would take away that security and those freedoms

Monday, December 20, 2010

Letter to Globe Dec 20th re Saddam's Bllod koran A15

I'm confused. Saddam was a secular Muslim who ran a secular country and yet he wrote the Koran in his blood. If this is a moderate or a secular Muslim, what is a radical Muslim? Is it someone who writes the Koran in someone else's blood? Sheik Samarrai says that writing the Koran in blood is forbidden and yet he is protecting the document. Isn't this politics overriding religion and isn't this proof that politics and religion are inseparable in Islam? Lastly since Iraq is mostly Muslim and therefore is part of the World of Peace, yet is wracked by war between the Sunnies and the Shiites; and the West is part of the World of War, and yet is peaceful, isn't there something wrong with the concept of Jihad which tries to bring the World of Peace to the World of War when there is war in the world of Peace and peace in the World of War? It's much too complicated for this average Canadian.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Letter re terrorists - Christie Blatchford, Globe Dec 18th A2

Freedom of Expression

Christie Blatchford states, in her article on sentencing terrorists, the following: Those values - "the pursuit of truth, participation in the community and individual self-fulfillment" - are the very principles that underpin the right to freedom of expression, the court said. Any Canadian can say anything he or she wants so long as it advances one or more of thoes ideals.

The University of Toronto, has defended its inauguration of Israel apartheid week, the Master's degree of Peto and the promotion of many anti-Israel or anti-semitic speakers on the grounds of freedom of expression. They certainly don't fit into this definition.

South Korea and Israel

Different Location, Different Propaganda

I see very little difference between South Korea's building a barricade to defend itself against attacks by North Korea and the "wall" built by Israel to defend itself against Palestinian attacks. I also see very little difference between South Korea's threat to "teach North Korea a lesson" by "a limited military action" and Israel's attacks on Gaza to stop the continual rocket attacks and suicide bombers being sent against Israel.

One difference seems to be that North Korea is an independent nation while Gaza is an independent territory. Is this significant? Does the difference that it is oppressed Palestinians verses Jews or oppressed Koreans verses other Koreans change the responsibility for the warring between the two peoples? Can someone explain the differences to me?

Friday, December 17, 2010

National Post Dec 17th A15

Know Thyself

Can a fundamentalist accuse others of being fundamentalists? Pope Benedict is certainly correct about the existence of Christianophobia, but the fundamentalism that he should be objecting to is not that of Islam but of the Catholic church. His own fundamentalist views on social questions such as abortion and gay marriage are part of the root causes of the secularism that so worries him. "Know yourself" or "see yourself as others see you" would be excellent advice for the Pope.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

National Pot Dec 14 A17 - Family blames Britain for son's radicalization

The heading is all that is necessary to understand the article. Unfortunately it's thesis leads quickly to extremism. Surely it is not Britain but some part of Islam that is responsible for the son's Islamization. Blaming anything other than Islam for problems is all too common. However, if the family is right, and Britain is to blame, it means that Britain is not able to prevent the radicalization of Muslims living in the country and is therefore a threat to other countries. Should the U.S. attack it to wipe out the threat as it did in Afghanistan? Alternatively should Britain close its borders to Muslims or expell those that are already there, (as all Jews were expelled from the Arab countries in 1948) because they are incapable of controlling the development and implementation of Islamism? As repugnant as these suggestions are, they are the logical extension of blaming Britain for the Islamization of a Swedish Muslim family's son.

The Democracy Recession - National Post Dec 14 A21

Ha,ha,ha. The world thinks that democracies are made by illegal voting, ballot box stuffing. and other illegalities. It requires the consent, respect, and activism of the public. Without that, no amount of "official votes and procedures' will make a difference.

Peto's University of Toronto thesis

Contrary to Eli Rubenstein's op-ed, it is not the Holocaust survivors that will bear the greatest burden of Peto's mistakes but the University of Toronto. They used to be known as the best university in Canada. Now they are known as the place where Israel Apartheid Week began and where Master's and undoubtedly other exams and papers are graded according to their politicization, not their facts and analysis. Quite obviously professors are hired according to their political agenda, not their scholarship. The University of Toronto will now attract more and more activist students and professors who are interested in pushing their political agendas, not learning about facts, analysis, or our system of law and democracy. The University of Toronto has entered the slippery slope of decreasing prestige and scholarship.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Racial Profiling or Rational Profiling

Let's get rid of the term racial profiling and replace it with the term rational profiling. We profile people by age and sex etc for insurance purposes, and for a host of other purposes. We should profile professors like Sheryl Nestel before they are given tenure to ensure that their irrational hatreds don't overcome their duties to teach facts and analysis. Rational profiling is to ensure fairness and safety for the majority of Canadians. It is not about race or religion, but about rational profiling. Using this terminology will rid us of the idea that we are unreasonably acting against races or religions, when we are acting rationally for our protection or for the preservation of social organizations and institutions for the betterment of our country.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Laughter from today's National Post Dec 10th

Laughter in Today’s National Post

1. A18 Editorial. The Quebec Human Rights Commission has fined Bombardier for acting reasonably in its own and in Canada’s interest in refusing to train a potential terrorist pilot. If it weren’t real, it would make a great spoof about Human Rights Commissions. The joke is on all Canadians.

2. A 19Articles are critical of Jenny Peto for producing a completely biased M.A. thesis but fail to criticize Sheryl Nestel, her supervisor for failure to teach her student the difference between fact and fantasy and failure to criticize the University of Toronto for failure to discipline teachers who obviously are teaching political agendas, and not teaching students to examine the facts and analyze the situation. Professors should be protected from being fired for their opinions, but not from failure to teach facts instead of their own demented political agendas. The joke is on Ontario students who pay $10,000 a year for 4 years of indoctrination

3. A16 Orthodox Jews are being criticized for suggesting that Israeli Jews not sell land to non-Jews. As the penalty for selling land to Jews in Gaza and the west bank is the death penalty, perhaps these orthodox Jews should be called “moderates” and if they kill someone because of it we can call them “militants”

4. A13 The Weisenthal Center has established a scholarship to counter the politicized teaching of Sheryl Nestel with political teaching favouring Israel. This is the wrong solution for a university where facts and analysis, not competing political philosophies should be taught. This is a annual $5000 joke about the purpose of universities.

5. A13 John Tory says that the Ford is bringing diviseness to city hall. What he is really saying is that there is no longer a uniform left wing pinko agenda in city hall. The joke will be on the unions and the councillor spendthrifts. All Torontonians should get a laugh out of that.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The U.S. failure in the Israeli=Palestinian negotiations

The U.S. can't fail in negotiating a treaty between the Palestinians and Israel. It is only the intermediary - the helper in the negotiations. It is Israel and the Palestinians who have failed. Israel has offerred to negotiate, but the Palestinians insist that all of the West Bank belongs to them, that East Jerusalem belongs to them, that complete repatriation of their displaced persons is necessary, and that the objective to destroy Israel is to remain in their constitution. The Palestinians know that Israel cannot and will not consent to these requests. So, it is the Palestinians who have failed and caused the negotiations to fail. Strangely enough, Israel gains by this as it will continue to claim more and more of the disputed territory, and offer less and less of it for a very questionable peace agreement

Monday, December 6, 2010

Letter to Globe Dec 6th re editorial re charity

Editorial Tithe Better

Giving to the needy- charitable donations - have always been an integral part of Judeo-Christian morality. This moral requirement, emphasized weekly in our churches and synagogues, has gone the way of religion. Slowly, slowly, we assume that religious social beliefs, morals, and ethics are something that is innate and exists whether or not the church is still part of our lives. But it is not so. As we get rid of the church, we slowly get rid of the moral standards that it encompasses and promotes. The first to go are the simple things – like donating to charity or caring for your neighbour. When canvassing for the Heart and stroke foundation, I noticed that the main donors were not the well-heeled young in their brand new houses, but the elderly and the ones with Christmas wreaths on their doors. These are the ones still holding on to their Judeo-Christian values of charity. The young have lost this sense of morality with their loss of respect for their religion. Morality is not a question of equivalency. There are universal good values. Charity is one of them.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Letter to National Post - 12/2

Anyone who has been keeping up with the news and who has an ounce of common sense has known for a long time that Karzai is not a reliable partner for peace. The WikiLeaks revelations shouldn't surprise anyone. I assumed our government also knew this and decided to help the Afghanis anyway.

immigrants and refugees

Letter to the Globe Dec 2, 2011

There is only one way that refugee claimants should be allowed into the country - by showing up at our border and claiming refugee status. Anyone trying to sneak into our country, by human smuggling or otherwise, has proved that they are not the type of person we want here. Only legal immigrants and true proper refugee claimants should be allowed into Canada.

Re: Lawrence Heights

letter to Globe - re: Dec. 2/10 A23 Margaret Wente is correct in suggesting that bricks and mortar cannot change the behavior of those in Regent Park. Why then does the city think it can change the behavior of those in Lawrence Heights by adding some 5000 living units to the area? Surely the lesson of Regent Park is that cultural change and education is an absolute necessity in rebuilding a community.