Friday, December 10, 2010

Laughter from today's National Post Dec 10th

Laughter in Today’s National Post

1. A18 Editorial. The Quebec Human Rights Commission has fined Bombardier for acting reasonably in its own and in Canada’s interest in refusing to train a potential terrorist pilot. If it weren’t real, it would make a great spoof about Human Rights Commissions. The joke is on all Canadians.

2. A 19Articles are critical of Jenny Peto for producing a completely biased M.A. thesis but fail to criticize Sheryl Nestel, her supervisor for failure to teach her student the difference between fact and fantasy and failure to criticize the University of Toronto for failure to discipline teachers who obviously are teaching political agendas, and not teaching students to examine the facts and analyze the situation. Professors should be protected from being fired for their opinions, but not from failure to teach facts instead of their own demented political agendas. The joke is on Ontario students who pay $10,000 a year for 4 years of indoctrination

3. A16 Orthodox Jews are being criticized for suggesting that Israeli Jews not sell land to non-Jews. As the penalty for selling land to Jews in Gaza and the west bank is the death penalty, perhaps these orthodox Jews should be called “moderates” and if they kill someone because of it we can call them “militants”

4. A13 The Weisenthal Center has established a scholarship to counter the politicized teaching of Sheryl Nestel with political teaching favouring Israel. This is the wrong solution for a university where facts and analysis, not competing political philosophies should be taught. This is a annual $5000 joke about the purpose of universities.

5. A13 John Tory says that the Ford is bringing diviseness to city hall. What he is really saying is that there is no longer a uniform left wing pinko agenda in city hall. The joke will be on the unions and the councillor spendthrifts. All Torontonians should get a laugh out of that.

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