Monday, February 6, 2012

letter to Sun Feb 6th p. 28 re Iran

I agree that it is risky to attack Iran, but it is riskier not to. The lesser issue is Israel. Iran has said that it will attack Israel as soon as it has weaponry. Realistically this will of course not upset anyone in the Middle East or Europe, and it will not stop the flow of oil, but it will eliminate a line of defence for North America. Israel is also the only democracy in the middle east and a source of much new technology. We would lose that and of course all the Jewish and Christian holy places in a nucclear attack. Furthermore I don't think we want to see some 6 million Jews and 2 million Arabs slaughtered by the Iranians. To say the least, It would be politically incorrect and offensive. More importantly, Iran is waiting for the 12th imam. In preparation for his arrival Iran has said it will make the whole world Muslim. How will it do this? Obviously by war and if it has nuclear weapons, by nuclear war. We wouldn't have to worry about destabilizing the Middle East as it would be a series

of states all under Taliban or Al-Queda like governments. We wouldn't have to worry about oil because as a conquered now Muslim nation, most of our infrastructure and standard of living will have been destroyed by the war against us. The potential for harm is much greater from a nuclear armed Iran then from attacking Iran before it has nuclear weapons to use against us. Israel and America are therefore not the problem - they are the solution.

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