Monday, August 10, 2009

The Globe -Monday Aug 10th

Letter sent to the Globe

Mr. Daniel's letter to the editor about Israel and the United Church is full of errors and prejudices. First, the Church's stand is not anti-semitic because it criticizes Israel, but because it only criticizes Israel. It refers to sanctions only until Israel recognizes that the Palestinian people have the right to self-determination. This Israel has already done. What Israel hasn't done is rccognize the Palestinians' right to destroy Israel. He says Israel is violating international law. This is at best questionable as there is a good argument that the West Bank belongs to Israel under the terms of the British Mandate as adopted by the U.N. He refers to collective punishment against the Palestinians. This is nonsense. Defending oneself against suicide and missile attacks must of necessity involve some sort of collective or at least collateral punishment. Lastly the idea that Israel wants to or denies the self-ruling Gazans adequate food and medicine is just not true. It is true that they deny them some building supplies but when these supplies are used for military purposes, it is not surprising.

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