Tuesday, August 4, 2009

The United Church doesn't ahve its facts straight

Guiliano is ignorant of the facts

You can't suck and blow at the same time and you can't stand up for the Israelis and the Palestinians at the same time, if you know the facts. First, the West Bank is not Palestinian, but disputed territory pursuant to the UN Mandate. In fact, Israel has a better claim to it then the local Arabs. Secondly, Palestinians as a group didn't exist until the 1960's when the West Bank was illegally held by Jordan and the object of the Palestinians undr Arafat was not to become an independent nation, but to destroy Israel. This attitude remains, as is clearly shown by Gaza, that became independent in 2005, forced the eviction of all Jews, but still refuses to declare itself independent and try to develop an infrastructure or a peaceful society. Instead Hamas, a terrorist organization that was democratically elected as their preferred government by the Palestinians, concentrates on vilifying and shooting rockets at Israel. Their brothers in the West Bank have declared that their main objective is also to destroy Israel, but by attrition, not by direct war. Thirdly, the actual land of the West Bank has no port and few resources so that it cannot naturally become a viable nation. Therefore if the United Church really wants to help both Israel and the Arabs living in the West Bank, they will suggest splitting the West Bank between Israel and Jordan, helping Arab refugees to move to other Middle Eastern countries or to settle in Jordan, and they will support Israel's right to existence in a territory that can be properly defended and which encompasses most of the land to which it has a historic connection.

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