Tuesday, November 2, 2010

A Tale of teo Ghettoes - NP Nov 2, A16

Aside from the article being wrong on the facts and conclusions, Kalle Lasn is trying to copy her Palestinian friends' boycott of Israeli products and those that trade with Israel with a Canadian internal boycott. It is Shoppers Drug stores' right to sell whatever they like. It is our right not to buy from them. However by not selling Adbusters, Shoppers is in no way stopping us from choosing. It is Lasn and Klein that are trying to hinder Shoppers' right to choose. We should follow their example and boycott all stores that sell the Adbuster magazine. I hope that CJN or the National Post puts out a list of those stores which do sell Adbusters, so that I, and many, many others, can boycott them.

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