Monday, November 29, 2010

Liberal foreign policy - Editorial - Globe and Mail 11/29

The Globe is right in suggesting that the Liberals have not dealt with the realities that must support their foreign policy decisions. However if history is a guide, they will not, as suggested in the editorial, deal with the unanswered questions before or during the election, but after it, by either trying to solve the problems or, more likely, changing their minds on the issue.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Simpson in Globe - Nov 27th - F9

Letter to Globe re Simpson - Nov 27-F9 - and additional comment. I must congratulate Simpson on being able to critcize Canadian foreign affairs,trade, U.N., tariff, military, and farmer support policies; and at the same time demonize Israel, all in one short biased op-ed column. Added comment - Presumeably the Globe's comment editor, Natasha Hassan, approves of any uncalled for or unrelated demonization of Israel.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Egypt arrests Christians

The arrest of 156 Christians in Egypt gives us a perfect opportunity to protest against the discriminiation and oppression by Muslim and other non-Christian nations against Christians. Human rights must apply to Christians as well as minority religions. This Egyptian discrimination against Christians should be the catalyst for Christians and others to now speak out loudly on their behalf.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

David Miller at the World Bank

I'm glad to see that David Miller is moving to the World Bank. He will be a great help in transporting their funds via the gravy train. Miller's ability to make high-minded, appealing speeches leading to financial disaster will fit right in with the international culture of the World Bank.

Globe - Hezbollah editorial and letter re polygamy

1. Re Bringing Hezbollah to Justice

Having read your editorial and watched the CBC program last night on the U.N. investigation of the killing of Harari, I have again come to the conclusion that we should end, to misquote Rob Ford, the U.N. gravy train. The funds we give to the U.N. are being grossly misspent on supporting countries who flaunt civil rights and would happily destroy western civilization. The only worthwhile projects of the U.N. now concern health, and even there their forcasts are often widely off the mark.

2. Letter of Jancis Andrews

Jancis Andrews' letter to the editor ends with the statement that "It's 2010 A.D., not 2010 B.C." She is wrong. In most of the world, culturally, it is 2010 B.C. What she should have said is that polygamy should be stopped in our great Canadian culture that values women as equals.

Monday, November 22, 2010

The Globe and the National Post

Looking at the Globe this morning I realized that it is Europe oriented. It deals with topics which have been already discussed and those areas of the world that we - as the elite Canadians - "should" have an interest in supporting. It does not deal with the Islamist threat to Canada, nor to Canadian issues of freedom of speech and religion and the limitations that should or should not be imposed on them. It talks about Quebec problems but not about the other problems. In other words, the Globe is out-of-date and out of contact with the issues of the majority of Canadian.

Friday, November 19, 2010

ER Delays

Health care cost could be reduced by patients' voluntary payments to the hospital for faster service. Basically the public could pay for being in line for cancellations. Universal and equal treatment would remain the same, the hospitals would have more funding, and at least some patients would get faster care.

This is already being done for MRI's. Why not expand the concept?

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Police and universities - National Post - Nov 17th

Read this article together with the letter of the day section on page A15 and the letter on campus abortion on page A1. There is a pattern here. The dots must be connected. Campus's are allowing only radicals to speak because anyone else would cause conflict because the radicals will react physically against anyone they disagree with. The same philosophy is used by the police in Caledonia and, as I have personally seen, in keeping order on the streets of Toronto. To avoid this problem, some Universities like Carleton have passed on their responsibilities to student government.

Ford has said that we need 100 more policemen. We don't need more policemen to hand out speeding tickets to the elderly like me. We need them to keep order. This means arresting those that would use physical violence, not those that by legally protesting would cause the violent to react in violence.

The leadership and the culture of the police department must change. They must take the side of the majority of peaceful Canadians - and not protect the violent, by arresting those protesting their violence and often anti-Canadian attitudes.

The need for change, courage, and moral values in the police department and the university administration is clear.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Scolarships for Foreign Students

Spending millions of dollars on foreign students is politically risky because it does not make sense. We don't need foreign students to show us their cultures. We have neighbours and friends from all different cultures. We are multicultural. We already get the benefit and the problems of having many of our fellow citizens from many different lands and cultures. In addition, it is not necessary to pick the prime foreign students to study here. There are many very clever top Canadian students who can't afford the 5 or 6 years to get a PhD but would do so if properly financed. More importantly there are many brilliant high school students who are going to school and have one or two jobs on the side to make ends meet. If we found these students and gave them and their families financial aid, they would be the brilliant students and innovators that Canada needs.

Charity begins at home. We need to give our best, but financially poor, students a chance to excel.

Natioanl Post - More Police Needed Nov 16th A11

I agree with Ford that we need more police, but we also need a new police culture. When I have interacted with the police they have been unfriendly, arrogant, rude, and often misleading.

They brush off my questions about the number of points related to traffic offenses, they ignore my concerns that I bring to the police department, and at Pusatari's, just north of of Avenue Road and Lawrence, they cause long traffic lines up and down Avenue Road and cause a dangerous situation for cars turning north from Lawrence to Avenue - all because they are paid by Pusaltari's. When a pointed this out to one of the cops, he was rude and ignored me.

The public is not the policeman's enemy. We need a friendly, helpful police force as a first step in better policing.

Re: Building on the West Bank and Border talks NP A12 Nov 16th

two points -

First, Obama's U.S. political and security guarantees are worthless. The U.S. is not stopping Iran and they are powerless to stop Hamas and in truth support them through the U.N. U.S.guarantees are only worthless pieces of paper.

Secondly - If the Palestinians really wanted peace, especially setting a border, they would increase talks when Israel builds more housing near Jerusalem, not decrease talks. Building near Jerusalem is all about the border so this is the time it should be discussed. Refusing to talk over border issues shows that Abbas does not want peace and the settlement of the border.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Trading with Syria

Follow the money. We should remember that a Syrian attempt to build a nuclear weapons plant was recently destroyed by the Israelis. If we trade with Syria, a rogue state, if there ever was one, like with the financial aid delivered to Gaza, the profits will be used for a military buildup, not for infrastructure and enhancing the lives of ordinary Syrians. Trading with Syria will give their autocratic rulers more funds to suppress their people and actively wage war, through Hamas and Hisbullah, against the West. Is that really what we want?

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Harper on Israel and anti-semitism

My letter to Prime Minister Harper

Thank you for your speech on Israel.

It made me proud to be a Canadian.

In my opinion it was one of the great speeches, if not the greatest since Churchill

and raises you to the level of one of the world's greatest moral statesmen.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Afghanistan and dress code - re NPost Nov 8th

1. Afghanistan - "winnable"? . No way. We can beat the Taliban and we can educate more Afghanis, but we can't change the male population from being Islamists, who oppress women who want to live by Sharia law, into modern democratic moderate Muslims. That change will take at least a generation. In the meantime, the best we can do is lead by example in Canada and reduce the physical threat to our own country.

2. Faiza Iqbal,in her letter to the editor supports the burka on the grounds that you can't judge a book by its cover. But she is wrong. A book with a naked lady on the cover probably deals with sex and a book with a Star of David or a Cross on the cover probably deals with religion. Similarly with dress. A man wearing a $1000 suit is probably a banker or a businessman, one wearing jeans and a sweatshirt is probably a manual labourer, and one wearing a mailman's uniform is probably a mailman. So someone wearing a burka is probably an Islamist who by definition wants to destroy my society. She may also believe that the big smock also protects her virtue, but her virtue is of little concern to most Canadians. The burka is therefore a political and religious statement which is offensive, not because the wearer is Muslim, but because the wearer is probably an Islamist and is publically announcing her distain for the kaffirs.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

A Tale of teo Ghettoes - NP Nov 2, A16

Aside from the article being wrong on the facts and conclusions, Kalle Lasn is trying to copy her Palestinian friends' boycott of Israeli products and those that trade with Israel with a Canadian internal boycott. It is Shoppers Drug stores' right to sell whatever they like. It is our right not to buy from them. However by not selling Adbusters, Shoppers is in no way stopping us from choosing. It is Lasn and Klein that are trying to hinder Shoppers' right to choose. We should follow their example and boycott all stores that sell the Adbuster magazine. I hope that CJN or the National Post puts out a list of those stores which do sell Adbusters, so that I, and many, many others, can boycott them.